Endless runner game where you are a doctor collecting medical samples while avoiding incoming obstacles. Run as further as you can without getting injured.

How it relates to rare diseases:
Information about rare diseases is shared prior to the start of the game, including the challenges faced by the patients with rare diseases. The obstacles in the game symbolize some challenges faced by the rare diseases community.

How it relates to Artificial Intelligence:

The use of symbolism was suggested by AI.
Some background music was generated by AI.

Symbolism :

Medical Equipment:

this symbolizes the limited number of disease-expert doctors.

The Loudspeaker:

This symbolizes the need to spread information to patients and society.

The board with Patient73 logo:

This symbolizes the need for education of health care professionals on rare diseases.

Scientific Machine:

lack of investigation in rare diseases

the floating virus:

symbolizes the healthcare system structure designed for diseases with high prevalence

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